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更新时间:2025-02-24 17:50:57
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produce results的反义词

1. An egg fertilized by a Y chromosome sperm will produce a boy while an X chromosome sperm results in a girl.

2. Analysts said that if the scheduled summit could not produce any concrete results contagion fears of the crisis could be heightened.

3. Adjusting the rules to establish who goes through to the next round can also produce contrived results.

4. The fiscal measure came after a series of monetary tools issued by the central bank failed to produce marked results in cooling down the market.

5. The fiscal measure came after a series of monetary tools by the central bank failed to produce marked results in cooling down the market.

6. If Chinese operas copy indiscriminately from modern Western culture, they may not produce good results.

7. This shows that the same system of education can produce diametrically opposite results.

8. The use of rules of origin to analyze processing trade tends to distort the true picture and produce erroneous results.

9. It still remains unknown whether the latest stimulus package can produce positive economic results.

10. Clay is considered an equalizer in tennis, with a tempo so different from other surfaces that it tends to produce odd results.


1. Force Majeure excludes any event or circumstance that would otherwise have constituted Force Majeure under this definition but was caused by or resulted primarily from lack of funds by the claiming Party which prevented the claiming 25 Party from avoiding or overcoming the event or circumstance or which, if applicable to the operation of the Project and which results in the Project failing to produce any emissions reductions capable of being converted to CERs, was the result of the Seller or the operator of the Project failing to act as a Reasonable and Prudent Operator.
但以下情形或事件虽在别处符合此不可抗力定义,但在此处不适用:声称遭遇不可抗力的一方因缺少资金使该方无法避免或解决以上事件或情形,或相应于项目运作而言,是由于卖方或项目运作人未能充当合理和审慎的经营者而导致项目无法产生任何可转换为 CER 的减排。

2. The empirical results show that our method is able to produce a forecast with a high degree of accuracy.

3. Results The Bartonella sp. strains could decompose disaccharide without disassociation of glycose, trisaccharide and spirits, and produce bacillosporin with positive of glucose oxidation and ureolysis test, negative of hydrogen sulfide production test and oxidase test....

4. According to the characteristics of the fuse industry and the research condition, We applied ZPrinter310 system to produce the fuze prototypes and used these prototypes to help design in the project argumentation phase, got the final project; Then we applied AFS-320 rapid prototyping system to produce the noumenon, analyzed the noumenon`s precision、surface quality and performance of material mechanics in detail, based on these analytic results, we considered to use the noumenon in the fuze local performance test and some laboratory experimentations; At last we discussed how to combine the rapid tooling and precision foundry to produce batch of samples, we can apply these samples in the fuze system and ball cartridge experimentation.

5. produce results

5. The experimental conditions were optimized to produce following results: good linearity of sulfamethoxazole, norfloxacin, ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin and tetracycline in the range from 1.00 ng/L to 1000 ng/L and the limits of quantification 1 ng/L, the good linearity of terramycin and aureomycin in the range from 10.0 ng/L to 2000 ng/L and the LOQ 10 ng/L, the recoveries of deionized water and surface water from 72.1% to 112%, and the RSD from 0.6% to 9.2%.
摘要〗采用超高效液相色谱-电喷雾二级质谱联用技术同时测定水中7种抗生素,优化了试验条件。磺胺甲恶唑、诺氟沙星、环丙沙星、氧氟沙星、四环素在1.00 ng/L ~1 000 ng/L 范围内线性良好,定量下限为1 ng/L ,土霉素、金霉素在10.0 ng/L ~2 000 ng/L 范围内线性良好,定量下限为10 ng/L ,去离子水和地表水样加标回收率为72.1%~112%,RSD 为0.6%~9.2%。


6. If you're buying a digital SLR to replace a film model because you've got a kit bag full of lenses you need to be aware that unless you buy a full frame model all your lenses will produce very different results on your new camera.

7. A:I can't work with Johnny anymore. He always changes his mind and doesn't produce results.

8. Therefore, it can be widely used in healthyfoods as a new functional factor. By using Lactococcus lactis SK005, fermentation conditions for GABA production wasoptimized in flasks and a small scale bioreactor; then pilot scale was carried out in 20Lbioreactor to demonstrate the results of optimization of fermentation conditions; pretreatmentof GABA fermentation broth was conducted by using chitosan and active carbon; thetechnology of ion exchange for recovery GABA was studied; and pilot scale was carried outin 300L bioreactor to produce GABA.

9. Secondly, we examine the COBRA with segmented parabolic reflectors. The design of the reflector is re-expatiated, which is composed of several equivalent parts of parabolic reflector with the same axis and focus. The radiation formulas are deduced with Current Distribution Methods, and the radiation patterns are calculated. The results show that it can produce high-gain circularly polarized field in the boresight direction (the gain is about 30dBi when the diameter of the reflector is 1.3m) and its 3dB bandwidth is 78%. The radiation formulas of TEM coaxial mode as the radiation mode of COBRA are also deduced. At last, a new folding antenna has been put forward and designed.

10. The various approaches to generating contour lines can produce differing results on plotted maps.

11. Take control of the exposure and you can produce amazingly different results of the same waterfall.

12. This gives a sufficiently large statistical sample to produce useful final results.
快照显示的是旋转中的蛋白质分子 3D 模型。

13. ZhuXi pay attention to the mode of rational thinking, which produce many bad results. Fourth, practice and humanism.

14. The results show that cells of individual human tonsil could produce IFN-γ spo ntaneously owing to the induction by pharyngeal normal flora.

15. OBJECTIVE, To study the direction, route and num- ber of SLCs and their relationship with SLN after subareolar injection of methylene blue and technetium 99m sulfur colloid (^99m Tc-SC), and to explore the mechanism of sentinel lymph node biopsies produce false negative results in breast cancer patients and the method to improve the detectable rate, METHODS: ^99m Tc-SC was injected preoperatively, and methylene blue was injected by the same subareo-lar route just after anesthetic induction, and then SLNB was carried out according to SLCs in 93 breast cancer patients.
目的:通过乳晕下联合注射^99m Tc-SC和亚甲蓝,研究前哨淋巴通道的行走方向、途径、数量及其与前哨淋巴结之间的关系,以探讨乳腺癌SLNB出现假阴性的机制,并提出提高其检出率、减少假阴性的方法。

16. produce results的近义词

16. The hemispheres of the brain display clear functional differences. Language and speech, brief duration stimuli, and detailed information are processed in the left hemisphere in most individuals. The right hemisphere appears to process information in a more holistic fashion, preferring spatial and tonal information. Lesions to Wernicke`s area in the dominant hemisphere result in a receptive language deficit with relatively intact speech fluency, whereas damage to Broca`s area results in loss of speech fluency. Damage to the arcuate fasciculus connecting these two regions will result in conduction aphasia, and damage to all of these regions will produce global deficit.

17. Where acceleration, redistribution of resources or re-sequencing has taken place during the course of the works to overcome the effects of events this form of analysis may produce unreliable results.

18. Growers in this dry and remote region show special preference for the Monastrell vine, which can produce remarkably good results here.

19. produce results在线翻译

19. Through research and analysis of data, it was observed that the length and width of bark fiber varied according to the lop and age, the results show the fiber of the Salix bark is longer than the Salix and width of fiber almost same, fiber length of the Salix bark mainly influenced by the times of lop. The ash in Salix bark, 1% Sodium Hydroxide Solubility in Salix bark, water solubility in Salix bark, Ethanol-Toluene in Salix bark, acid-insoluble lignin in Salix bark changed with the lop and age is also been investigated, the component of Salix bark is higher than Salix except acid-insoluble lignin, and it`s high effected by times of lop; the TG analysis and DSC analysis is been used on the Salix bark and Salix to study the character of the hot-action, and the rang of the pyrogenate temperature is confirm; the quantity of Salix bark effect on the MOR, MOE, swelling in 24h water, nail withdraw and inner strength was determined, the results show that the Salix bark notability effect on the properties of board and dropped it; the properties of the Salix bark board is nearly the board product by other bark residues, it was established the multi regression equation of each properties and optimized the fitting produce condition of Salix bark board.


20. The results, therefore, will produce important effects on geneticimprovement at the molecular levels.

This approach has been faulted for taking much more time to produce results.(但该方法也存在缺陷,因为它需要花太多时间才能产生结果。)
The most commonly used testing method for salmonella can take up to five days to produce results.(最常用的沙门氏菌检测方法需要五天才能得出检测结果。)
Our emotional muscles must be exercised, not only to produce results, but to keep us in a healthy and prepared state.(我们情感的既然必须勤练,不仅为了获得成功,也是为了让我们保持一种健康的蓄势待发的状态。)
Babies will learn to behave in ways that produce results in the world with no reward except the successful outcome.(只要是世界上成功的偶像的方式而无需回报,婴儿们都会去学习仿效。)
Instead, we're the victims of our own tendency to expect that a series of coin tosses will produce results that look satisfyingly random to us.(相反,我们都是自己预判倾向的受害者,我们预期一系列投硬币的行为产生的结果,最好显得随机才能令人满意。)
Professionals are expected to produce results.(我们希望专业人士能预料将产生的结果。)
The speed at which you need to analyze data to produce results(分析数据以得到结果所需的速度)
A lesson from the drugs industry is that industry-funded studies have a clear tendency to produce results that please their sponsors.(从药品工业的经验来看,行业内部的研究明显倾向于得出讨好其资助者的结果。)
The most recent round of talks between Iran and world powers, before the election, did not produce results.(在大选前伊朗和世界大国最近一轮的会谈没有产生结果。)
Your agenda also has to be structured to produce results.(会谈的议程也要旨在取得成果。)
produce results是什么意思 produce results在线翻译 produce results什么意思 produce results的意思 produce results的翻译 produce results的解释 produce results的发音 produce results的同义词